How Your Surrounding Can Be Your Strongest Source of Inspiration

Even Nick Vujicic can’t inspire you as much as people close to you can.

Andy D
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by David Engy from Freepik

As someone who’s always seeking inspiration, I’ve tried different sources. Inspiration is a thing that is challenging to find and generally impossible to hold.

As soon as we find inspiration, we go to create, achieve, and overcome. When inspiration leaves, we return to the standard everyday routine.

I found a limitless source of new inspiration. Today I look for inspiration, not in celebrities or books but in the people around me.

Celebrities inspire, but inspiration won’t last long

Once my friends invited me to one event. It was a surprise when I learned where I go. It was the event where Nick Vujicic was the main speaker.

I found out about Nick Vujicic on Instagram. He was inspiring me so much. I only needed to think about him as I was ready to act.

During Nick’s speech, I saw how he had a remarkable effect on people. The eyes of the people reflected with inspiration.

I recorded Nick’s performance. I filmed the most important words that energized me to the fullest. How shocked I was when I realized that the video wasn’t working. I wasn’t re-inspired.

Emotions from the story inspire us. The more feelings we have, the more inspiration we will receive. Live talk with a person gives more emotions. So I need to find Nick Vujicic and ask him to inspire me. A hitch appeared.

A simple, everyday story from family and friends can be inspiring

If you think about it, then every person in our environment is a bit Nick Vujicic. We’re all human, and we all have challenging life situations. We are coping with them and moving forward.

Nick is an incredible inspiration for everyone, but he’s somewhere far away. Your friends are close.

My friends always tell me some of their life circumstances. How they got into this or that situation, and how they got out of it. Stories about the victory over the following problem inspire me. The person who stands next to me has succeeded, and therefore I will grow too.

All it takes to hear such a story is to ask. Show interest to your friend, and then he will tell you his story.


We see how majestic celebrities are. Their successes inspire us. At the same time, we don’t notice that magnificent people are always with us.

Our relatives, our friends, they are all heroes. You have to notice it. Listen to them, and they can quickly become an endless source of inspiration for you.



Andy D
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I look for ways to make life better, and you get outcomes.